In the city there are green and livestock market. Green Market is located in the city center. It has 63 agricultural and 20 boundary stalls, with about 140 tenants.
There is also a space about 60 cities that are also leased for the sale of flowers, seedlings and seasonal products (fruits and vegetables).
The construction of the facility for the sale of dairy products and poultry. Market day is Wednesday.
Animal and flea market is located one kilometer from the city center.
Tuesdays are sold cattle, corn, used goods, Wednesdays flock, craft products, wood, timber and goods at the flea market.
Cities are marked and issue the lease for 6 months.
During the year in Petrovac hold three traditional fairs.
The largest and most visited is the July Fair, which lasts for two days on 20 and 21 July. Then comes a large number of traders, artisans, small businessmen ... who sell their products in designated areas in the main and two side streets, while in the fair ground (place where the cattle and flea market) is a large number of restaurants and entertainment activities .
The second fair is held 01.I September 02 and is slightly lower than the previous one, while the third is held practically only within fairground 08th October.