petrovac na mlavi iz vazduha 2016


The system of safety and health at work in Serbia

Oblast health and safety at work is regulated by an array of laws and regulations that precisely regulates the rights and obligations of all the factors of the system. The central place occupied by the Law on Safety and Health at Work in 2005, which is fully compliant with all directives, requirements and recommendations of the European Union, as well as a number of conventions of the International Labour Organisation. This law has brought a series of innovations regarding how to organize and regulate the field of OSH.

One of the main novelty is the introduction of the professional functions of the person responsible for the organization, implementation and improvement of OSH in an enterprise. These individuals take a special state examination and may be permanently employed in the company or engaged through authorized Istituto or agencies.

Every employee needs to know who is an expert in the field of OHS in his company.
OSH Act introduces the obligation to conduct a risk assessment for all positions in a company. Risk assessment includes a series of activities aimed at identifying and defining all the risks and hazards at a workplace and determine the risks that arise from them.

The goal of risk assessment is to isolate the most significant risks in every workplace in order to define the preventive measures and protection measures could affect their reduction.
Each employee is obliged to help those who conduct risk assessment. The worker also has the right and obligation to be familiar with the results of the risk assessment of their workplace.
A safe and healthy workplace
A safe and healthy workplace is a basic right of every worker and one of the key interests of each employer. This objective can be achieved only through joint efforts and cooperation of state authorities, employers, workers, professional persons and institutions. Every worker has the right and obligation:

- To train for safe operation
- To work in a safe manner and take into account the safety of other workers
- To assist your employer in the implementation and improvement of the system of safety and health at work
- To be familiar with the measures of safety and health at work for activities in which he was assigned, and that the same respect and apply.
The dangers, harmful effects and risks in the workplace
The dangers and harmful effects that are to a greater or lesser extent, are present in every workplace can lead to injury or damage to health workers. The level of the specific dangers and harms defined risks through a combination of probability and consequences of hazardous events.
Every employee should be aware of the dangers and hazards that are identified in their workplace, as well as with pšrocenjenim level of risk. Preventive measures and protection measures are activities aimed at risk reduction and elimination of hazards and / or identification.

From now KJP Source provides you with the service of the decision on risk assessment and measures of safety at work
Why do you need a Risk Assessment Act?
Law on Safety and Health at Work, its 13 members predicted next obligation. The employer is obliged to issue a document on risk assessment in writing to all workplaces in the working environment and to determine methods and measures for their elimination. The employer is obliged to amend the act on risk assessment in the case of every new danger and changes in the level of risk in the work process. Risk Assessment Act is based on the determination of the possible dangers and hazards in the workplace in the working environment, based on which the estimation of risk for injury and damage to the health of the employee.
How much is the creation of the Risk Assessment Act?
The manner and procedure of risk assessment in the workplace and in the working environment prescribed by the minister responsible for labor. Public utility company '' source '' Petrovac owns the license for the performance of safety and health at work 09 number 164-02-001 / 2007-01 from 21.08.2007. years. KJP''Izvor''vrši making act of risk assessment and other legal entities and entrepreneurs at a price of 4,000.00 to 20,000, 00 per job (depending on the number of workers and the characteristics of jobs).
On the basis of the security landscape and health at work Article 4, paragraph 6. Position is a space dedicated to performing with the employer (in the house or outdoors as well as temporary and mobile construction sites, facilities, equipment, means of transport, etc.) in which the employee resides or has access during operation and which is under the direct or indirect control of the employer.
For legal entities and entrepreneurs who do not have professional person for safety and health at work KJP''Izvor 'performs in the field of safety and health at work at a cost of 1,000, 00 to 10,000, 00 per month (depending on the number of workers and job characteristics places).
Under these matters fall - training zaposlednih for safe and healthy work; - Keeping records according to the Regulations on Records in the field of safety and health at work. - In controlling undertaken measures to eliminate or reduce risk prevention

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